Labour leadership contest

Labour leadership contest

Labour is dying! It currently reminds me of a fly that’s just been sprayed with an insecticide but still tries to cling to life. They have no leader, the interim leader is facing a revolt from it’s back benches over welfare, they look set to make major losses in the Welsh assembly and Scottish parliamentary elections in 2016. The party is in need of serious reform but before than, first and foremost, it needs a leader.

Jeremy Corbyn looks set to win with the support of 43% of members and most of the constituency branches. Corbyn represents the hard left of the party. His anti-austerity and pro-social democracy platform has been very well received by grassroots members and could prove useful in preventing any further bleeding out of votes to the Greens. Although, he would risk losing the centrist vote to the Liberals and Conservatives permanently due to his hardline proposals.

Liz Kendall, another hopeful, is by far the most dangerous to the Tories. She is largely consider to be the Blairite candidate of this race with her center to center-left approach. Kendall, however, looks like a non starter with barely 6% support within the party.

Who am I backing? Corbyn all the way! Corbyn will effectively give the next election to Tories.